



ZHU Xiaoming

President, CEIBS





朱晓明,男,教授级高级工程师,博士,享受国务院特殊津贴的专家。现任中欧国际工商学院院长、管理学教授;上海交通大学经济与管理学院兼职教授、博士生导师;上海财经大学兼职教授、博士生导师;国际管理学会(IAM)会员。朱晓明1995年获上海市科技进步二等奖,2004年获上海市决策咨询研究成果一等奖,2008年获国际管理学会(IAM)“杰出成就奖”。朱晓明曾任中国工业与应用数学学会副理事长,上海市国际商务专业高级技术评审委员会主任。朱晓明曾发表过《上海市外经贸丛书》、《经济管理数学模型案例教程》、《中国服务外包发展报告(2007)》、《中国服务外包发展报告(2008)》、《中国服务外包发展报告(2009)》、《中国对外投资合作发展报告(2010)》 等多种经济学与科技领域的专著。


Dr. Zhu Xiaoming is President and Professor of Management at CEIBS. As an expert enjoying the State Council's special subsidy, he is also adjunct professor and Ph.D. supervisor at College of Economics and Management in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and adjunct professor and Ph.D. supervisor in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. The major honors awarded to Dr. Zhu include the 2nd Prize for "Science and Technology Advancement in Shanghai" in 1995, the 1st Prize for "Shanghai Policy-making Consultation" in 2004 and Distinguished Award of the International Academy of Management in 2008. Dr. Zhu assumed the positions of Vice Chairman of the China Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and Director of the Shanghai Evaluation Committee of International Business Professionals. Dr. Zhu has published plenty of research works on economics and technology, among which are the Shanghai Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation series, the Mathematical Model Study of Economic and Management Cases, the 2007 Report on China’s Outsourcing Development, the 2008 Report on China’s Outsourcing Development, the 2009 Report on China’s Outsourcing Development, and the 2010 Report on Development of China’s Outward Investment and Economic Cooperation etc.